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Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Euro fever?

"That's a special tower for transmission of secret messages". Once these words had been whispered, it was a big risk to ask anyone what it actually was, because you could then be the target of sustained cross-examination. This was the considered wisdom during school days, when this building came up to mark the centenary of the Madras Port. Therefore, like many other everyday sights, the 'football' on top of this building remains an unexplained oddity.

The Chennai Port Trust does encourage a lot of sporting activity; it is however improbable that they have placed this as a monument to their football legacy. Though I took this photograph a few weeks ago, I thought I would post it only after I have better information about what that globe is all about. Now, I feel that I would not get any wiser - the few people I have asked are irritated at me, for having teased their curiosity - and so, I hope posting this photo will at least bring up some plausible theories as to the purpose of the topping.

It is also Euro fever in a way: was watching the Germany - Turkey match last night when I remembered this photo!

Added on July 6, 2008: I've found out what that globe is for. A cousin who works for the Chennai Port Trust tells me that the globe houses a meteorological radar and other met equipment, since the docks need data on a more real-time basis than what the Met department provides!

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